Adrian Heizmann-Checa, born in 1977, is a native Washingtonian, with a BA in Economics from Tufts University in Boston, MA. Adrian struggled with alcoholism and addiction from ages 16-27, until March of 2004, when his family hired an interventionist. Adrian accepted help from his family and the interventionist and went to primary treatment at Father Martin's Ashley in Havre de Grace, MD, and then to 12 step groups and to outpatient treatment at EADP, Inc. in Washington, DC. Adrian is a ‘first timer’, he has not relapsed since then, and continues to live and grow as a person in long-term recovery.
In 2013, Adrian’s father asked for help with his lifelong alcoholism. Adrian became his father’s advocate, interventionist, case manager, guide, and transporter. During this period, Adrian experienced a powerful sense of connection and purpose to this work and the outcomes that became possible with a dedicated advocate in place. Adrian shared this with a friend, Sovani Meksvanh, who connected him to another friend, and a trusted professional, Ray Estefania, who recommended he train with Judith Landau, creator of the ARISE Intervention & Continuing Care model, and he became a Certified ARISE Interventionist.
In 2016, Adrian was invited to International Recovery Institute’s Recovery Specialist training with Judith Landau of ARISE, Nanette Zumwalt of Hired Power, and Cindy Feinberg of The Recovery Coach NY, and he became a Certified Recovery Specialist.
Adrian works with individuals and the family system to find recovery and wellness for everyone involved. He brings a unique quality that is authentic, straightforward, and well-rounded. Adrian knows what it is like to be on both sides of the intervention and has had personal life experience and professional education and experience as:
(a) The person of concern: deciding to accept help from family, friends, clinical and treatment professionals, 12 step programs, and establishing a sober lifestyle; and
(b) The concerned family or other: attempting to help the person of concern, with other family, friends, and professionals, using intervention and a recovery plan, finding the best treatment options, aftercare, sober housing, and attending 12 step programs.
Adrian’s passion is in helping individuals and families to find and use their own inherent strengths and resilience to support their long-term healing and recovery. We create an open, invitational, safe space for individuals and families, to see what needs to be changed, without blaming and shaming. Adrian will help to advocate, collaborate, guide, mentor, report, and support, the individual and family as needed. Adrian provides the following recovery support services: intervention, coaching, transport, 24/7 companion, case management, and family calls and meetings.
Call Adrian today and learn how to find recovery for your family.